We've had to move offices. We're now at 14a Cross St. Reading, RG1 1SN.
Dyslexia Research
The DRT runs research studies to learn more about how Dyslexia and visual disturbance affects both children and adults.
In the DRT clinics we carry out research studies into learning conditions. These studies investigate genetics, neurology, imaging, electrophysiology, psychophysics, cognition, diagnosis, and treatment of dyslexia.
We want to better understand what is happening in the brain during reading development so that we are more able to help when reading difficulties occur. To do this we are studying various visual, auditory, motor and reading tasks in adults and children.
These studies involve being assessed by our team at Reading.
Participating as a Research Volunteer
Many of our research projects would have been impossible without the help of volunteers. But currently, due to COVID19, we cannot carry out any research beyond our audit of the results of our ongoing treatments.
If you want to take part in our research in the future, please contact us and we will tell you about projects which might be of interest to you, when we can carry them out again.
You are under no obligation to participate in any of them. Any information you provide is entirely confidential and will only be available to researchers at the DRT. You may opt out at any time and we will remove your details from our volunteer database.